Best Residential Design 2014 for OVO, Pune | Design for Clariant headquaters wins Archi Design Award 2014 | Amongst the AD most influential 50 in architecture | M Auditorium wins Interior Design Best Institutional : Theater | Planet 3 Studios on Dezeen and Archdaily |
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Our 'Total Quality Delivery' system ensures that all integral components of the delivery mechanism conform to specified standards of project performance. As Design-Builders we warrant our design documents to be complete and free of error. Even though the materials used in construction are ISI compliant, they are subjected to rigorous checking on site and only the approved lots are used for construction. Our designs are compatible with the skills of our workers, who are aware of work standard expectations and minimum tolerance is allowed for errors. We ensure full time on-site supervision of work by qualified professionals who are members of the Design-Build team. This is all possible because the total responsibility inherent in Design-Build serves as motivation for quality and proper project performance.


Singular Responsibility

Time Saving Advantage

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Superior Quality Control

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Crisis Management

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DBIA Industry Partnership


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